Are You Being Photographed?

August 16, 2008 at 7:06 am Leave a comment

Are You Being Photographed? – Lauren Kennedy –

The on going conflict between the photographers and the rich and famous seems to be heating up. Feelings on both sides have been boiling for quite some time.  However , the steam is blowing the top off more and more frequently.

There seems to be two perspectives on this issue.

  • Rich and famous: The photographers have no right to infringe on their daily lives and the lives of their children. Photographing or documenting their private lives is a violation of their privacy. They should also be afforded privacy in public places if they are not officially posing for the media.
  • Photographers: The rich and famous knew the score when they aspired to stardom. Publicity played a part in launching them on the road to fame and is instrumental in maintaining their status as Stars. Common people are photographed if they are unfortunate enough to be caught in embarrassing moments, so why should the rich and famous be afforded special rights.

It seems to me that both sides have some valid points.  Using telephoto lenses to spy in on someone’s private life does seem to be a violation of privacy. And photographers following children is in poor taste and possibly emotionally  detrimental.  However, the suggestion that the only publicity and photographs  that should be published are those that have been approved by the rich and famous or their staff is a concerning violation of freedom of speech not to mention self serving and grandiose.

As is usually the case, a bit of common sense on both sides could result in a tolerable balance.  Unfortunately, we humans often loose touch with our common sense when we become consumed by our personal agendas.

The disturbing reality is that none of us has any guarantee of privacy, even in our own homes.  Surveillance equipment is available to most anyone and can be easily installed. Government agencies have video cameras that can clearly see into our homes from a helicopter or parked car. Information about the books we read, the shows that we watch and the products that we buy are readily available to many sources.

Does this invasion of our private lives ensure our safety or make us more vulnerable and subject to being controlled?

I am curious to know if anyone has some additional ideas, opinions or suggestions about the conflict between the rich and famous and the photographers or about the increasing intrusion into our own private lives.

I would love to hear any observations, thoughts or suggestions that you may have.  So why not take a moment, post a comment and be heard?
To Your Authentic Life,

Entry filed under: Piority, Motive and Intention. Tags: , , , , .

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Our life is an evolving creation, shaped by our choices, colored by our desires, and lightened or darkened by our intentions.
August 2008

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